What We Do


At North Warwickshire Citizens Advice, we offer free, confidential, impartial, and independent advice on a wide range of subjects.

Our trained Advisors can help you check your entitlement to benefits, discuss income maximisation, and help you look at the best options for dealing with debt.

We can help with housing, employment, family, energy, and consumer queries.

As an organisation we also campaign on local and national issues.




You can contact us by phone or email: Monday to Friday 10 – 2 pm on 808 250 5715 or email advice@nwcab.org.uk  After an initial assessment you will be given information to help you with your enquiry. A further face to face appointment may be needed or we may refer to you one of our other services.




Appointments for completion of disability benefit forms like AA, PIP or ESA can be made on 01827 712852.

Please note: you may be offered a phone appointment, face to face appointment or may be placed on a waiting list if there are no available appointment slots.




If you need help and advice on debt, please contact us to discuss debt options. We will help arrange support from a debt advisor where appropriate.





  • We offer a free one to one bespoke client service. We look at energy bills, determining the cheapest energy provider/tariff, conduct a benefit check and make sure the client has in place all energy efficiency measures in the home.
  • We identify and place eligible clients onto the Priority Service Registers allowing clients access to additional energy services e.g. having priority warning about a power cut.
  • We will also check client eligibility for the Severn Trent Water Scheme where clients can receive a discount of up to 90% off their water bill.


  • NWCA deliver interactive group sessions to community groups on all areas of energy advice including: ‘switch and save’, energy efficiency measures and grants available for boilers/heating etc. Contact us on 01827 712 852 for further details.




The Ansley and Arley Big Local Partnership Advice Project

NWCA offer our full range of information and advice services to the residents of the villages of Old Arley, New Arley and Ansley through a dedicated Advisor. To contact please call: 01827 712852 or email via our contact page form