Access to Justice

Do you need help with a family law issue?

The Access to Justice Devon & Cornwall Project offers free legal consultancy and support to people with family law issues, but do not have a lawyer and are not entitled to legal aid.

Issues we cover:

  • Divorce and Dissolution
  • Separation and Cohabitation
  • Financial Orders
  • Child Arrangements
  • Parental Responsibility
  • Domestic abuse


What help do we offer?

  • Advice on the law, your rights, your options and what to do next
  • Assistance with court applications and statements/evidence
  • Advice on court process and procedure


Please note: We support clients as litigants in person. We do not undertake litigation on a client’s behalf or offer representation at court. When receiving advice, clients remain responsible for the management and conduct of their case.


We cannot advise if you are currently instructing or receiving advice from a lawyer or professional McKenzie Friend.


Before contacting us, please complete a Legal Aid check. If you are entitled to legal aid we cannot assist you with your case.


Contact Us

To get in touch, please use the referral form. Our current call-back time is 5 working days.

Referral Form
Find out more about the issues affecting you with these links