14 Nov North Warwickshire Citizens Advice Annual General Meeting 2023
Date: 8th December 2023
Time: 11am
Venue: Parish Rooms, Welcome Street, Atherstone, CV9 1DU
Notice of Annual General Meeting
This is to give formal notice that the Annual General Meeting of the North Warwickshire Citizens Advice will be held at 11am on Friday, 8th December 2023, to consider and, if thought fit, approve the resolutions listed below, all of which will be proposed as ordinary resolutions.
Given By Order of the Trustee Board, on Wednesday 15th November 2023.
Registered Office: The Parish Rooms. Welcome Street, Atherstone, CV9 1DU
Lorraine Verrall
Company Secretary
- Chair welcome and opening remarks
- Apologies and receipt of proxy votes
- To receive the Trustees’ Annual Report and Accounts of the Charity for the year ended 31 March 2023.
- Resolution 1: To consider and, if thought fit, to resolve that being a trustee retiring at the third annual general meeting after their last election, and having indicated their willingness to stand for re-election, be hereby re-elected
- Resolution 2: To consider and, if thought fit, to resolve that being a trustee retiring at the third annual general meeting after their last election, and having indicated their willingness to stand for re-election, be hereby re-elected
- Resolution 3: To consider and, if thought fit, to resolve that being a trustee retiring at the third annual general meeting after their last election, and having indicated their willingness to stand for re-election, be hereby re-elected
- Any other business
- Closing remarks
Each member has the right to appoint a proxy by depositing a completed form of proxy, in the form attached at The Parish Rooms, Welcome Street, Atherstone CV9 1DU. Voting papers to be returned by 1st December 2023 to: The Company Secretary, North Warwickshire CA, The Parish Rooms, Welcome Street, Atherstone, CV9 1DU.
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